John Joy Bell Poems

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The Ships

For many years I've watched the ships a-sailing to and fro,
The mighty ships, the little ships, the speedy and the slow:

The Cyclist

I’d rather be a cyclist
Than any other beast,
For thou he slays but never stays
Upon the slain to feast.

Nearly Home

'Nearly home, nearly home!' says the screw that whips the foam,
And the engine is a-throbbing like a heart,

On The Quay

I've never traveled for more'n a day,
I never was one to roam,
But I likes to sit on the busy quay,

Souls Of The Ships

One afternoon when the sun was hot
I takes a snooze on the quay;
An' a kink in my neck I must ha' got,

A Mariner

A rare good life I've surely had
In fifty year at sea;
A finer life, I tells ye, lad,
I don't believe could be,

A Song Of A Liner

Glad folk and sad folk, rich folk and poor,
Folk that doubt if they'll come back and folk that whisper 'sure!'

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