John Kelly

John Kelly Poems

The little red rose was full of the joys,
As she frolicked and played on the green,
The little red rose shared all of her toys,
Along with her hopes and her dreams,


Why did they take our mammy, dad?
Sure she never harmed a fly,
She followed all their silly rules,
And was as sweet as apple pie,

Snowflakes falling softly,
On dimly lit streets,
Candles flicker gently,
Next to yule logs and wreaths,

There are picnics and parties,
Families laze on the green,
Some dogs by the harbour,
Are causing a scene,

When all the prayers have been said,
When all the cards have been boxed and stored,
When all the plates have been neatly piled,
When all the tears have been wiped away,

The Best Poem Of John Kelly

Little Red Rose

The little red rose was full of the joys,
As she frolicked and played on the green,
The little red rose shared all of her toys,
Along with her hopes and her dreams,
The little red rose hardly ever sat still,
Like her curls that danced in the breeze,
The little red rose even giggled and smiled,
After falling and grazing her knees,
The little red rose had many close friends,
Who would travel a well-trodden path,
Can the little red rose come out to play,
After having her bubbly bath?
The little red rose then blossomed and bloomed,
Bringing pleasure to many more lives,
She married her prince, had three lovely kids,
Buzzed around like a bee in a hive,
But the little red rose was hit by a cloud,
A dark spectre that refused to move on,
A battled fought bravely was finally lost,
It was hard to accept she was gone,
But as she lay dreaming an angel appeared,
And awakened the little red rose,
It was time to return to the garden above,
Where only the best roses grow.

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