John Kendrick Bangs

John Kendrick Bangs Poems

I met a little Elf-man, once,
Down where the lillies blow.
I asked him why he was so small,

BEGIN the day with smiling eyes ;
Pursue the day with smiling lips;
Through clouds perceive the smiling skies

IF an unkind word appears,
File the thing away.
If some novelty in jeers,
File the thing away.

WORRY stalked along the road,
Trouble sneaking after;
Then Black Care, and Grief, and Goad
Enemies to Laughter.

IF there's no Sun, I still can have the Moon ;
If there's no Moon, the Stars my needs suffice ;
And if these fail, I have my Evening Lamp ;

ICE and snow are cold, I know
Pain and sorrow too are chill.
Ever notice how the glow
Of the sun on ice and snow,


SHOW me your God the doubter cries.
I point him out the smiling skies;
I show him all the woodland greens;
I show him peaceful sylvan scenes;

THY span of life was all too short—
A week or two at best—
From budding-time, through blossoming,
To withering and rest.

IT seemed to be but chance, yet who shall say
That ’t was not part of Nature ’s own sweet way,

IF you must sit and sigh,
And have the blues,
Why don't you try

FROM earth, and sky, and sea,
Let cheer come unto me,
And mirth, and tenderness,
And all the things that bless,

I HAVE a song within my heart that I shall never sing.
I know 'tis there for I can feel its joyous fluttering.

The ghosts of all things past parade,
Emerging from the mist and shade
That hid them from our gaze,

I DREAMED last night a Spirit came to me
And placed within my hand the golden key
Of Fortune. 'Life's best treasures wait

NEVER mind a change of scene
Try a change of thinking.
What if things seem sordid, mean,
What's the use of blinking?

WHEN I've a quarrel in my mind
With one who's far away,
To scorching letters I'm inclined,

IF any round about me play,
And dance and sing in glad array,
And laugh and cheer,
May it be mine to see and hear.

NO bay for me that critics may deny
In distant ages ; no position high
To win the others' envy, but a place

SPIED a bit of Care today
Looked as black as anything,
But as he came up the way,


'DON'T CARE' is no friend of mine.
I 'don't care' for him.
When he comes it is a sign
Sense is growing dim.

John Kendrick Bangs Biography

John Kendrick Bangs (May 27, 1862 – January 21, 1922) was an American author, editor and satirist. He was born in Yonkers, New York. His father was a lawyer in New York City. He went to Columbia University from 1880 to 1883 where he became editor of Columbia's literary magazine and contributed short anonymous pieces to humor magazines. After graduation in 1883, Bangs entered Columbia Law School but left in 1884 to become Associate Editor of Life under Edward S. Martin. Bangs contributed many articles and poems to the magazine between 1884 and 1888. During this period, Bangs published his first books. In 1888 Bangs left Life to work at Harper's Magazine, Harper's Bazaar and Harper's Young People. From 1889 to 1900 he held the title of Editor of the Departments of Humor for all three Harper's magazines and from 1899 to 1901 served as active editor of Harper's Weekly. Bangs also served for a short time (January-June, 1889) as the first editor of Munsey's Magazine and became editor of the American edition of the Harper-owned Literature from January to November, 1899. He left Harper & Brothers in 1901 and became editor of the New Metropolitan magazine in 1903. In 1904 he was appointed editor of Puck, perhaps the foremost American humor magazine of its day. In this period, he revived his earlier interest in drama. In 1906 he switched his focus to the lecture circuit. Agnes Hyde Bangs, his wife with whom he had three sons, died in 1903. Bangs then married Mary Gray. In 1907 they moved from Yonkers to Ogunquit, Maine. John Kendrick Bangs died from stomach cancer in 1922 at age fifty-nine, in Atlantic City, New Jersey.)

The Best Poem Of John Kendrick Bangs

The Little Elf

I met a little Elf-man, once,
Down where the lillies blow.
I asked him why he was so small,
And why he didn't grow.

He slightly frowned, and with his eye
He looked me through and through.
'I'm just as big for me,' said he,
'As you are big for you.'

John Kendrick Bangs Comments

James Mo 22 June 2018

He was my great grandfather and a pre-eminent humorist of the day (late 19th early 20th century) .

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Jim Colegrove 06 January 2018

Not familiar with John Kendricks Bangs but I heard this wonderful poem about God's Creation and want to share with like minded people. I'm not a poem enthusiast but am a student of the bible this poem illustrated God's fingerprints.

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