John Knight Poems

Hit Title Date Added
*002 Prayer Of Thanks

Thank you for the sun and showers
Thank you for the Springtime flowers
Thank you for the lambs that bleat
Thank you for the fields so neat.

Loneliness Or Solitude?

This poem is dedicated to ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE. It is also dedicated to those who are not lonely but crave THE SOUND OF SILENCE in a World where CHURCH BELLS have been replaced by DECIBELS!

I am never really alone in the 21st Century
Consequently I am a stranger to solitude.

What Is Life - A Sonnet

Every life is special - each life is unique
We're all born with a purpose and with grace
No man is and island - we are joined as one
In family in communion and in place

*0005 Impossible Dream

This is a 'Flowing Acrostic' in which he narrative picks up the acrostical words - while at the same time maintaining the metre with lines of approximately co-syllabic. This gives the poem flow and balance.

! mpossible that's why it's a dream

1110 Marie Curie - Queen Of Scientists

Oh Marie Marie - beloved of all Sceintists
Polish beauty spirited by God to the Sorbonne
Because the Russian Authorities in Poland
Decreed that 'Ladies should not study Science! ! ! ! !

*650 Midnight Hour - A Pantoum

How precious is the midnight hour
when from our daily task we rest
sometimes refreshed by cooling shower
with starlit darkness we are blessed.

Chaos Theory

Chaos Theory says the World is gettin' more chaotic
Says this old Earth is slowly runnin' down.
Top shelf books are getting more erotic
The UK is bein' governed by a Clown.

*02 Haiku - Senryu - Tanka - An Explanation

These JAPANESE STYLES of Poetry are very beautiful in appearance (Japanese Script) - sound and content. We are on sacred ground. It is the content that is important - the syllable count less so. A lot of HAIKU (Nature and Seasons) and SENRYU (Human & Emotions) are written in 17 syllables (or less) and three lines. When one reads an H or S one is sometimes left a bit bemused. So two extra lines (often of explanation) are added - normally each with seven syllables. This is called a TANKA. This is a very brief introduction and I trust purists will forgive me.

HAIKU - SPRING (5 - 7 - 5)

*660 Cyber Link - Cyber Love

Pure cyber love has no boundries of age
Our passion is poetry - sharing our art
The thoughts we are sharing are there on the page
Rhyme and time in our mind - but love in our heart.

*009 I Remember...........

This is a Cascade Poem consisting of four balanced quatrains. The first line of the verse one becomes the second line of verse of verse two and eventually the last line of verse four. The rhyme pattern is: (Abab) then (cAca) then (adAd) then (eaeA) I hope that makes sense.

O how well do I remember
When I was but a child

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