John Knight Poems

Hit Title Date Added
*902 Domus Geriatricus

I am assigned to a chair - comfortable
I take in my surroundings - bearable
A large warm square room - presentable
A large TV and sound centre - audible

1015 Water Water - Everywhere? ? ?

STRUCTURE & FORM IN POETRY. Classical Poetry always has Structure even though it does not always rhyme. The Structure gives it metere and flow which facilitates reading and recitation. In my book - recitability is an essential character of a good Poem! . A lesser know Poetical Structure is RHYME ROYAL which inposes a strict metre (usually imabic pentameter) and a strict rhyming pattern a b a b b c c. Each verse must consist of seven lines. The number of verses is optional! As an Environmental Scientist I am concerned with the Conservation of Water which is the subject of this Rhyme Royal

Whence comes this water that we need for life?
Where does it go when we flush it away?

*930 Ruby Birthstone Of July

Perfect red trigonal crystals
Mined in far Mong Su in Burma
Carmine glowing inner fire
Ruby red like haemoglobin

I Have The Right

This poem is in the form of a VILLANELLE and is dedicated to all Peomhunters who care about the form and structure of their poems!

I have the right to justify my style,
Its ins and outs its wheeling and its deal,

1119 German Haiku

German is an amazing language - because it is so so Germanic it always ahs an inbuilt authority. I went to Oberammagau in 2000 and when Jesus was castigating the money changers for desicarating The Temple (His Father's House) He sounded much more authoritative in German than in English. When you recite German Poetry you have to really mean it to get the full efect. Even if you can't speak German try saying the following Haikus and you will see what I mean. German is reasonably phonetic - except that 'W' is pronounced as 'V'. Because of the sentence structure of the German Language the English translation does not follow line for line. Because they have a common source many words in Eglish and German are very similar so I am sure you will easily recognise which line matches which!


*804 Aquamarine Birthstone Of March

Hexagonal - Aquamarine
Gemstone of purest rarest hue
The colour of the deep blue sea
Expresses your fidelity

*700 Love In Action

I might be a great Communicator
But without Love I am just a big noise
I might be a cutting edge Scientist
But without Love I am just a big bang

Wood Glorious Wood!

This poem is dedicated to all those who are old enough to remember when wood was as important to us as air and water. It is also dedicated to those who live in situations where it still is!

Throw another log on the fire - Mother,
Father go and chop another tree,

1117 Italian Haikus

Italian is a language equally as beautiful as Latin. I fact Italian is the European Language that is the closest to Latin. This is not surprising when you consider that the capitl of Italy id Roma! It is the vowel endings that makes Italian - Spanish and Portuguese poetry so flowing and Romantic when it is recited. If you can pronounce Italian just recite these Italian Haikus and see how beautiful they sound. Againg I will give a translation to help you appreciate the essence of each Haiku.


*01 Lost In France

I'm always losing things
My watch - my keys - my specs
Things physical - things tangible
What will I be losing next? ? ?

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