john mcleish

john mcleish Poems

Running through the streets
we' beer and cigarettes
breaking in te the school canteen
and eating a' their, biscuits

There's a battle ootside
raging lads
noo it's time te leave oor kin

picked up the paper read the news
marx was a poet hitler a jew
the holocaust never happened made up by zionist cloons
luner landings faked naybiddy stepped on the moon

Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll
appetite, fur destruction
Steroids, Guns, Whiskey and Money
my personal, Armageddon

Take me back, te Malibu
memories, o childhood days
when everything had a simplistic view
and a' that mattered, were the waves

The Romans hunt doon Jesus
theYankees, Bin Laden
fur Jews and money lenders
the dogs do their, bidden

auff with his head
the puppet queen declares
a royal proclamation
ignore it if you dare

once upon a time
in a land far away
there lived a wee boy
wha' loved te play

everyday, thousands die
because they canne' afford medicine
yet everyday, thousands o tons
are fed te coo's, poultry and chickens

I still remember
those chilly morn's
hands in pockets
freezing cold

Entrenched in mud
under pouring rain
we lay in wait
fur the, Saracen

The wolds governments, indebted te the banks
the slave, licks the boot o his master
symbiotic disease o political corruption
and socio economic disaster

Under Monsoon rain
children laugh and play
their rags, washed clean
their tears, washed away

nuthin's hidden or variable
fur 'C' is ne', fractionable
space, time projection, illusional
seperation by distance, delusional

Up jump the troopers
one, two, three
and shoot the 'Jolly Swagman'
against a, 'Coolibah' tree

Psychopathic politicians
we' nay humanity
control a' the governments
and economies

The Best Poem Of john mcleish

Juvenile Delinquent

Running through the streets
we' beer and cigarettes
breaking in te the school canteen
and eating a' their, biscuits

Sitting in the park
spray painting Swastikas on the wall
juvenile delinquents, efter dark
smashed glass, broken bottles

john mcleish Comments

Deeply moving! Sincere writing. We´re both looking for redemption. Hope we find it. Laura

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