John Sensele Poems

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Cadavers' Conundrum

Cadavers in morgues pile up
Lips too weak can't lick a cup
Knees collapse
Times for action elapse

Teaching Maxims

Teach with love and passion
Avoid bleaching learners' efforts
Encourage students to enhance lifelong learning skills
Instruct learners in techniques and methods that foster lasting learning

The Menace Of White Gloves

From the bush hidden
Sprouted two white gloves
Cutting short your sojourn in Eden
A fine slapped your white doves

In Love You And I Trust

Your love in me drives delight
Dreaming sweet, dreaming bliss in my bed
As your love on me shines the spotlight

Happiness Harmonizer

Let me be your serenity splendour
Let me be your hope harmonizer
Let me be your bliss blender

Rooms Of Boom Blooms

On thin ice don't skate
But in seas of hope do swim
If your fortunes you strive to elevate

The Treasure Beneath My Mask

Don't despise the beauty lying beneath my mask
The mask doesn't belittle the treasure I carry
When balls and calls of duty drive commitment to the task

Love Beyond Tribal Ties

Bleach leeches of the switch of the doubt
Your mind nurtures without reason
When in horror I gaze at your lips pout

Redefined, Refined And Streamlined Love

We entwine in a season of hope
Cavorting in the bliss we harvest
When with beats of our hearts we grope

How A Souse Sidelined Booze

Take a look at histrionics of the souse
Whose groggy knees pirouette and spin
Groping in a sloshed manner for the gate to the house

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