John Sensele Poems

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Teachers, Rockstars

A teacher inducts learners
Into the knowledge, skill, affection hall of fame
Where learners transmute into income earners
Adding belief, value and honour to their name.

Advice To The Fire In My Ire

Counterproductive to make my world cold
No matter how much I feel bold
Trashing established order
Crushing my peace to sow seeds of disorder

In Tough Times

In tough times, don't collapse
Though pain inside tears your fabric
Through every neuron, every synapse
Bear pressure like a balcony brick.

No Goodwill Goobye

No goodwill goodbye
Grins at hunger and thirst flying nearby
To purloin peals of laughter
Coercing a dainty daughter

Zambians, Hold Your Fire

Zambians, hold your fire
Much as short fuses catalyse ire
Because if tempers fly higher
Our common good may in the end tire.


Despacito, when you melt in my arms
To suckle my breath, to imbibe my warmth
To savour our favourite tryst farms
Where as lovers we dilate and validate our worth.

Do I Matter

Years of sweat
Degrees I earn
Debts aplenty I invest in my quest
No job only tears and sorrows in my urn.

Just A Thought

If friends command and demand so little of you
You lunge and plunge into Hades anew
Diminishing and extinguishing the perspective
For which you aspire to inspire and grow less subjective

Gender Based Violence

Gender bias and paternalistic culture pigeon-hole women negatively,
Emasculates society,
Numbs reason into submission,
Drives misogyny forward,


Handle me with gentleness
Because I'm your better half
Sent from on high
To swallow flak on your behalf

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