John Sensele Poems

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Hot Potatoes You Brought

I thought I forgot hot potatoes you brought along
Couldn't and wouldn't wound our love
Alas! We'd guessed wrong and sang the wrong song
When it became clear our love wasn't from above.

Don't Vex X

Don't vex your ex
When love from grace falls
Cos Semtex
Strikes love walls


Scarlet, crimson, red lips, red tops
Red roses, red ribbons paint the lovescape
Where lovers and admirers raise red hopes
On February fourteenth as to Valentine their red presents gape

Eleven Veins In My Heaven's Leaven

Heaven hovers over hope horizons
Which highlight the light and flight of the confidence
Concealed and sealed in my sentiment seasons
When happiness hastens my perseverance and persistence.

On The Edge Of Surges

On the edge of the wedge between hope and despair
Heightened and strengthened by determination and devotion
To clutch at the latch of the batch where love fell into disrepair
My last portion of caution urges no precaution to enliven my love lotion.

Romance Portions

A heart stolen, a heart fallen
In the pursuit of a suitor's suit en route to company
Thought wondrous in warm words of Ellen
Despite purging a loneliness litany.

Gift, Lift & Shift Of Love

Lift the gift and shift of love no matter what
Disappointment and doubt swat
Give love a chance to dance
Get your life love to balance.

Revitalize & Rejuvenate Regeneration

Drivel and dribble lives sometimes derange
Pain and strain at times swim within range
No reason in any season life to imprison
No matter the dose, cause and pause of treason.

The Creed Of Concern, Consideration & Courtesy

Regardless of reasons, no one's heart do tear
Beat your chest, but dare to care
In every eventuality, display care and concern
Above all, blame and game endeavor to discern.

The Daze Of The Gaze In A Haze

The daze of the gaze in a haze amazes the craze
In a series of streams and reams that raze
The wall between my fall and the wall
That screams no more to any tyranny should I crawl or entrall.

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