John Sensele Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Beneath A Sea Of Sorrows

Beneath your sea of sorrows hovers hope
To lift you to limpid lakes
Where on the hope slope
You'll will soon reap sweepstakes.

Acres Of Ace Amity

Acres of avarice and malice assuage no guilt
Felt in years of selfishness
Worn like a mendacious medal on your quilt
That in no measure increases your emptiness.

Trivilialize Not

Trivialize not torments
A pastor's marriage undergoes
With serpentine comments in moments
When you munch and masticate morsels of mangoes.

Flair & Flavour

When through force of habit our hands touch
Adrenalin through my body runs
As interests, likes match for a perfect match
On and on we turn our gregarious guns.

Cherish The Wish To Flourish

Cherish hope to flourish
Regardless of pesky prognostics
Uttered in messy matters to dish
Out fears and tout tears in your joystick gymnastics.

Godly Guardian

As long as your sacred song
Sings faith, bring your sling to cling to God's might
To remind you God is strong
Worry not about your plight when it gets tight.

Why Worry

While in your life the going gets gangrenous
Maintain your mental menu
To prevent a precipitation preposterous
That in the main mustn't continue anew.

Death Drivel In A Conducive Cradle

Death decimates dames and dudes
Sowing a sea of sorrow
In family felt fears, torn tempers, trickling tears and mourning moods
As moms and dads test a tense tomorrow.

Infatuation Incidence

When, to my consternation, I insist on infatuation
Couched in coquettish conspiracy
Designed, demented and devoted to the evaluation
Domiciled in domestic dysfunction, I object to obduracy and piracy.

Stun Surprise

Stun surprise before it pounces
To scatter your plans
Alongside drudgery in zillions of ounces
In your academics, gymnastics and in your verisimilitude vans.

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