John Sensele Poems

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Rackets Of Lies & Rockets Of Truth

Rackets, rockets and sprockets of lies in their sties fly fast
Treasures and pleasures of truth offer orphans wisdom to last
Choose to cruise in lies and perish
Cruise to groove in truth and prune proof to furnish.

Death In The Midst Of Pain Strain

For lives lived in perennial pain in strain rain
Death delivers droves of reinvented relief
Cutting corners from trains of painted pain
Accumulated at the hands of a throng thief.

Swimming In A Pool Of Error

In my head, alcohol and its pall for callousness call
Emboldened by froth and wrath
In a show of gangrene gall in a mall
To distort my faith and misquote my oath.

Civility In Sylvia's City

In the nick of time, Sylvia's sympathy soars
Stealing the limelight and plying her trade
Within the context of romance roles
In the month of February Sylvia parades a persona well bred.

Tricks In My Brain

Lover, I need a break
To consult my chaplain
Cos I can no longer stand the earthquake.

A World With No Ears

Talking to a world with no ears
In the hope of securing solace
Although down her face rolls a torrent of tears
Jennifer decides pity's out of place.

The Prism Of Cynicism

Cynicism spectres mustn't stalk civility
Despite sights and bites of disappointment
In the context of egregious incivility
Experienced on the fence of taut torments.

A Cynical Circus

Fed up with celebrating international days
Chosen and frozen in a cynical circus
Bankrolled by a tycoon with tongue in cheek ways
The poor pray for focus in every liturgical locus.

The Purveyor Of Perseverance

Imbued with renewed vigour
Like an eagle gliding up in the sky
Determined to sustain rigour
The purveyor of perseverance pursued to the bitter end the spy.

Selfies, Thoughts And Skintight Jeans

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Done when I feel undone
In the middle of a nuptial night rage
In no way invite predators into my zone.

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