John Sensele Poems

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The Heart Rhythm

The heart driven by compassion
Beats in tune with the plight
The poor ponders in every supine session
As food fragments he longs to bite.

Morals Matter

In addition to respecting feelings
Partners hold very close to their hearts
Ensure that you don't indulge in double dealings
Which in the end reap toxic tarts.

Remember Red Roses

Forget me not when you ascend to the apex
Where oxygen grows thinner
To the extent when you begin to vex
Associates, acquaintances and friends with whom you chopped dinner.


Cuddle my heart
Ameliorate my amorous art
Then from love draw your part.

Inside And Outside

Human nature sometimes stumbles
Frailty winning the battle
Wallowing in mumbles and grumbles
Indulging in tittle tattle.

Keep Your Cool

Don't throw the baby with the bathwater
When a clumsy associate somehow steps on your toes
Because insinuations and recriminations portray your attitude no better
Than the magnitude of platitudes and vicissitudes of your foes.

Poetry Pot

In a poetry pot stew words to inspire
Vintage works from Pablo Neruda, William Shakespeare
Metaphors and similes from Angelou Maya
Romantic verses from Lord Byron to set hearts on fire.

God's Copious Cup

Ah! If I behave I could save
Myself a myriad headaches
To reach rich records relatives have
Achieved with neither stomachaches nor toothaches

Sallow Sequoia Sticks

Witchcraft, you're a pesky pimple
That messes up the face of Africa
Which aspires to brandish a nimble dimple
Admired in Jamaica, in America

I Vow To Befriend Happiness

I vow to befriend happiness
To banish sorrow and its offshoots
Never to run to sadness
Or glorify sorrow boots.

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