John Sensele Poems

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Marriage Voyage

Marriage much of the time generates joy
With mirth, home feeling and longing to savour warmth
Brimming from every corner, every moment as couples deploy
Their best commitment free of any wrath.

Smart Hearts

With hearts, tarts and carts that dart
Joy into a neighbourhood and a jolly good mood
We traverse life's journey, let's perfect the art
Of loving, forgiving and striving to emulate Robin Hood.

Come You Home

Come you home, lad
Where mom and dad await your return
Long missed; cut out your sad
Posture, lad, family bridges don't burn.

Love Conquers Cockerels & Mackerels

Love conquers coquettes and cockerels
Flying flags of infatuation
Fiddling with mackerels
Filling in idle time with a mundane mission.

Collaboration Knots

Knots that cling family members
Grow stronger the longer siblings gel
Playing, frolicking, consuming meals lifted from embers
On charcoal braziers with no wish to trek to jail.

Here By Roads Of Bliss

Here by roads of wrath I tremble
When a whip lashes my backside, sears my flesh
Weals steal freshness from pains that resemble
Pin pickles and pricks that mesh.

Foolish Fuss

When at long last common sense
Returns her urns of sapience to your pate
Strewn with personal demons in whose defence
You've stood all along, let God bless your fate.

Dodgy Dents

Three hundred and sixty five days ago
Twenty sixteen breathed her first breath;
Lads and lasses wrote resolutions to forgo
Personal demons that only grew in strength and breadth.

Fear Not, Lass

Lass, fear not for eyes that God gave you
To see the magnificence
And boundless beauty eyes chew
Every time they gaze in wonder at God's omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence.

Porous Amorous Pangs

Taut thoughts that I taught long ago
Turned on me like boomerangs
Taunted me to forgo
Notorious, porous amorous pangs.

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