John Sensele Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Lament Lilts Linger

Lament like clinker lilts linger
The longer and stronger simmer
Disputes a singer
Pings as a wing string against a sassy swimmer.

Domestic Duels

Domestic duels doom
Lives, launders livid laurels
Galvanise gluttony of gloom
And cannibalise carnal corals.

Savvy Look


Let them be as cars,
Always fuelled, driven, pampered and polished,
But exploited on township and country roads.

Jealousy Joust

Jealousy is an infected computer
Whose vibrant viruses and worms wiggle like female anopheles mosquitoes
That burrow into relationship liver like plasmodia
To infect couples' mother bodies, operating systems and impair software.

Mafia Mania

Mafia mania is a leech
Witch winding, grinding, binding down
Towns, gowns and browns to switch
Off progress and increase stress in a town.

I Am A Smart Phone

I am a smart, sophisticated, mobile phone
Powered by satellite technology
Lithium ion battery and airtime
Capable of short message, voice call, multimedia and email services.

Faith Is That Rolls Royce

Faith is that Rolls Royce
That forever ferries souls from earthly pilgrimage
Bestowing a cast iron guarantee
To convey them to hallowed final destination

Thoughts Are Elephants

Thoughts are elephants
That through trunks can smell the size, shape and temperature of a listener
Though their eyesight is so poor
Elephants swim and travel long distances.

Grammar Panorama

Grammar and drama, mama, melt my belt
Verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives mean
Nothing that sings zings of nonsense that felt
Subjects of simple sentences can clean

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