John Sensele Poems

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Valley Of Achor

A valley of Achor sprouts up into lives of folks
Big and bald, beautiful and benign, besotted and belligerent
Because Achor inextricably like a limpet locks
In its tentacles in cells, bells, veils and mails with a rabid reagent.

A Teacher's Eye

At 0450 every morning, a teacher popped his right eye
Open, pushed aside blankets and turned on a tap
To wash his sleepy face
Then slid on trousers, a shirt and a tie.

Micro Skirts

Fears felt with neither rhyme
Nor reason clutch emotional fibres
Deep within a heart and climb
All over fences of sentimental tibias.

Frivolity And Triviality

Frivolity and triviality on the surface dance well
But emptiness and grossness can't force
Admiration and admission to a professional scale
Steeped in rigid recognition and redemption by a reputable voice.

Capitulation And Manipulation

Life cries, life dies, life sighs
Life shrinks in proportion to abuse
Suffered when folks tie life inside sties
Where horror mirrors life's rates of misuse.

Maul The Loose Tiger

Steamroll the roller coaster
That spins high and wins souls
Of urchins who stroke their double chins and snap a pastor
On the head because he's been scoring own goals.

Indefatigable Moms

Moms: love leaders who sacrifice their comfort
For nine mad months to carry and ferry a fussy foetus
In their waggling wombs, giving him oxygen, nutrients and support
While their appetite plays gastronomical games without a hiatus.

Beware Heartbreakers

Love: a double-bladed knife that tears so bad
It leaves scars in cars and bars where an unwise heart
Dares to tease feelings, to clip wings with outcomes so sad
Victims wonder whether breaking hearts feels smart.

Don't Lay Hands

Don't slay your integrity and lay hands on a woman's waist
Without her express consent and tacit approval
To enable mutually agreeable activities to taste
The flavours, favours, odours and colours bequeathed on the diva.

A Plague

Address in your life turpitudes that plague
Progress in the process of indulging in a record
In your kitchen, your bedroom, your study
Filled with backward oriented actions that end

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