John Sensele Poems

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Although intuition suggests a debacle
In every aspect of your endeavours
Fortitude brings about a success spectacle
With fanfare in multiple colours and flavours.

Flighty Freak In A Creek

When in romance a pristine patron's pace
Sanctifies synchronization alongside harmonization to simplify procedures
For granting to each stakeholder a folder of time and space
To mature victuals and individuals, it's time to honour lass class leaders.

A Whiff Of Cliffs & Ifs

If in my environment I bustle in a hassle to hustle hate
To spread hope and harmony to every corner
Happiness and hopefulness grow great
To accord and afford every soul a pimpernel partner.

Torrents Of Tears

Torrents of tears tremble
When flushed face, jumbled jingles
Cry in vain, try to resemble
A sense of succor sampled by singles and their mundane mingles.

Comfort Zone Clone

Comfort zone kills catalysts
That hasten reactions of fresh air
Despite the honour and aura you place on territorial trysts
When you and Yolanda entwine as a pair.

Live & Let Live

I believe greater success
In life lies in minding my own business
To achieve and nurture progress
That on me bestows optimal happiness.

Wishes & Whims

I wish I could bear the pain
That messes up your normal routines
Queers your sleep and imposes strain
On your mornings and pricks your body like a thousand pins.

On The Cusp Of A Breakthrough

On the cusp of a breakthrough
Strip your company to bare bones
To make a way clear and true
Towards genuine love zones.

Adulthood Dilemma

I listen to my heart
That enjoins me to plunge right in
Leave fate to play her part
Although the heart can't always win.

Winter Cold Blizzard

In the long run, words I use matter
If I desire to strengthen contacts
Which need at least an FB message or a letter
That whispers from my heart affection facts.

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