John Sensele Poems

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Embrace Winds Of Change

Life improves by change
Qualify life doesn't ring or sound strange
If I choose to cruise towards amiability, agility and adaptability
Thereby embracing malleability, quality and higher ability.

In God We Repose Our Trust

In God we trust as we must
Shaken, but our die isn't cast
Better days lie ahead of us
No time to despair or fuss.

In That World I Don't Belong

Wicked world rewards thugs and haunted hugs
Rising in the scale of queens and ruins of bugs
Who step by step my welfare they redefine
Much as brutality and fatality to them fly fine

Fly High, Family

Family fertilises faith, utilises and realises fondness
Cultivating culture, culturing worthiness
Joining and juxtaposing juniors and seniors
In a cocktail that every obstacle it clears

Cap In Hand

Cap in hand we beg from Johnny Clegg
Cap in hand we flex and hex a limp leg
Cap in hand our dignity and serenity we lower
Worst still, cap in hand our dignity we deflower.

Prodigal Polytricktian

Listen, prodigal polytricktian
That office occupied by you can chew
Your reputation if your Russian tactician
Feeds forth froth and few

If Love Could Smile

If love could smile

I'd fly mile after mile

Thinking Cap

Contain tendencies to erupt
At situations you ill perceive
When precipitous actions disrupt
Solutions and suggestions you'd better conceive and receive.

Dwellers Of Glass Houses

Glass and class houses break
Nepotism and opportunism beneficiaries speak
Cronyism and cynicism policies a system they wreck.

Roses Of Laughter

Yearn for roses of laughter
To glean glows your heart is after
In tune with priceless petals
You pluck from nimble nettles.

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