john tiong chunghoo Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Tanka - Spring Chill

spring chill
like a snail, i recline
from the breeze that steals into my neck
new leaf shots inch on

Tanka - No Freewill After All

free will? the god gives me
all these senses
to get to know his world
only letting me see

Alone, Looking For Blossoms Along The River

this path mom walked
to market each morn
she must have loved the flowers by the river too

A Riddle Song

all the things around me
living and non living
the clouds, plants
a test to locate the real self?

Haiku - Piggy Bank

piggy bank
takes my coin everyday
never grows big

Haiku - Twisted Years

Lines Of The Mind

he dawdles
she straightens it
he calls it da
she corrects it ba

Aboard At A Ship's Helm

the island with the gracious mountain
the tip of the boat inches steadily forward
my heart angled between it
one hour, two hours, three hours

Tanka - God Spining Stories

i refuse to shed a tear
he lives on
even an ant lives out god's tale
the almighty doesn't spin

Flyng At Night

five billion years away
a planet turns,
turning a million years
this side of the planet

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