John Vue Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Blind Heart

My eyes are blind I can't see a light
away from my own cloudy watery eyes.
As the tear dropp on my silky tan skin
I could feel a big urge hold me tigt.

Time To Leave

As I begin walking in high school I look every where,
I feel like I move up into a higher school.
It make me feel dump it make me feel shy,
Because I have no idea what going on.

Fall To Deep In Love you're so cute as a new born puppy,
You got my attention you got me in love with you. I wish you're single and not marry,
because you got me in love so deep with you.

Pass The Secret Notes

Pass my note to room 19 in east hall,
Pass my note to this hotter boy.
Pass my note to room 19 in west hall,
Pass my note to this sexy girl.

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