Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added

Do you remember the Ball, Cinderella, do you recall the Ball?
And the prancing, glancing, dancing

Gather ye rosebuds all who will,
and yet, though Time’s a-flying,
in one fair head, eternal still,
Life thrives, Death’s grin denying.

Merlin To Mermaid - Acrostic Sonnet

Merlin, magician, foresight filled,

Why do you bury your head underground,
risking so much and so much?
O black and white ostrich with feathers all found,
why do you bury your head in the ground

Orange Rose - Parody John Boyle O’reilly – A White Rose

White rose peeps, weeps too purely,
while red shows scarlet sins,
subjectivism’s surely
a set of moral gins.

Tiger's Rumour And Other Parodies William Blake - The Tyger

Tyger’s Rumour

Rumour rushing rampant right

Shall I compare her to a summer’s day?
A thousand times more sweet she seems to me!
Nor may Time’s winds – (which darling buds of May
Do shake) – unsettle love’s perennity.

Gilt Written - After Shel Silverstein Snowball

I prayed myself a_trophy,
as golden as could be,
so Vivian and Sophie,
on PH poetry

*intelligent Design*

I, dot, would score, scour ocean floor,
you too were dot, not more.
We'd LOOP the LOOP in primaeval soup
our POOL gene POOL core corps.

Requiem Ii - Parody Robert Louis Stevenson - Requiem

Requiem II

From life's dark, unwholesome cage
where love frets, siege raised in rage,

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