Jonathan ROBIN Poems

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Andrew And Manijeh Wolpert

Neither in church with an abbe to pray,
nor in a mosque with an imam to sway,
but before the registrar this Wednesday
Their troths they will plight, let no-one gainsay.

Acrostic 1991

Now mankind nears the watershed of Fate,
In time of trouble framed by clouds of war
New-gathered in the Middle East, the core
Eternal of religious love and hate.


Sun shining over cloudless sky,
beaming each streaming light
attempted very best to dry
our homes both warmer, bright:

Hearken investor and you shall hear
of what can happen when credit is dear,
of cash crash replaying the twenty-nine slump
as the global economy down in the dump

My Lady's Maladies

Lucinda wasn't well at all,
she nearly drove us up the wall,
since on the carpet sleep did she
and not in bed, like you or me.

Lost Cause And Sage Response

'Senseless to stretch one’s soul
and ask of Earth her heart,
as tortoise Time takes toll
lost lovers someday part.

'October’s moon is wane,
May’s sun may not be here:
how many Springs remain
my weary way to cheer? '

Analysis Of Analysts

It's sad to see such talent sacked
and seek redundancy,
the system that they backed has lacked
much flexibility.

Haiku Transparency

See transparency
close escape hatches for those
choosing not to see.

Oh the goodness of their goodness when they're good,
and the prudeness of their prudeness when they're prude,
but the goodness of their goodness, and the prudeness of their prudeness
are as nothing to their lewdness when they're lewd.

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