Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Acrostic 1992

Narrow the world, with very little scope
Inside its boundaries for warring creed.
Now seed, now bloom, now dead in word and deed,

Man’s Narrow Mind

Man often will disparage what he can't
Accept, control, admit or integrate.

Haiku Aureate

Flights Of Fancy - Acrostic Sonnet

For generations, since prehistory,
Life rising symbolised the soul’s redemption.

Awakening For Seasons

Alarm call signal beeps, wakes life to hope.
While vague, untidy heap stirs, seeking soap.

You give your verse a prosy st[r]ain,
with stress complete the air,
but vain attempts too often strain
and stress is in the air.


You ask again, I'm feeling even worse,
again the morning mail has brought more bills,
their influence on mind I find perverse
while work falls kind of outside all my skills.

Tapped Or Trapped Or Rapped?

The world, when wide, demanded empires vast.
Economies of scale appeared to be

Rondo Mirror

When tidal waves of Time mock Fame,
have waved goodbye to humankind,
that which remains may, deep in rime,
deep-frozen stay until Change find

Let Heart Lead Head

Ambitions spurn, should man on man blind prey?
Sterile most gifts, where true hearts may not share,
phrases echo empty where none to care: -
best let the heart lead head along Time's way.

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