Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Trap Tracks

Too many straight-line certitudes adopt,
Heed not head's tale, nor try to taste tail's pain
Enlightened understanding's rare. Men train
Themselves to closed shop minds. Why choice is stopped

Page Of Aquarius - Acrostic Sonnet

Poverty, plague, cyclone none prevent
Are global threats. Mankind blindly bumbles
Gestating his own future as he stumbles
Erratically from time to time misspent.

Haiku Middle Age Sp...Re[a]d

Sandrine Sonnet Cycle - Sonnet Lxii Sin Of Self-Love

Sin of self-love was mine until we met,
And all my soul, my each and every part,
Navel worshipped, 'self' could not forget,
Denying feelings from the inner heart.

Sandrine Sonnet Cycle - Sonnet Xcvii

So like the winter has your absence been,
And every day that passes by forsakes
Narcissic hopes: - head aches, while hoary flakes
Drudge from dark depths stark ancient echoes mean.

So turn to old Khayyam and from his cup
Allow yourself to sup while time remains;
Now sip the wine, take bread and verses up,
Drink deep of love till Time Time’s servants claims.

Sandrine Sonnet Cycle - Valiant

Should there be nothing new beneath the sun,
And each sensation mirror-imaged time,
Not fact, but fancy of the most sublime,
Depending on those stimuli which run

Sandrine Sonnet Cycle - Validation

Strong is my faith, and each wraith from the Past
At last finds rest, repose from echoes old.
New virtue now rings true, and love’s repast
Draws light to life if all the truth be told.


Shared dreams shan't interact if to her mind
Address lost lustre, fealty found unsound.
Neverneverland mocks schemes love signed,


Few taggers on the train of Time
imprint theiir marks in prose or rhyme,
most coast anonymous, must spend -
from the beginning to the end -

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