Jonathan ROBIN Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Next Year's Solution

Be more vocal
insight stoke
grow from local
go for broke.


Do nothing, just relax, compulsion free.
Everything seems simple as the mind
Throws tribulations, troubles, trials, behind,
Enjoys the moment spent, content 'to be'.

From atom bomb to sniper's mortal mark
what justifies the twisted logic found
by man - his own worst enemy - who'd sound
his trumpet blast though flound'ring in the dark?

Loneliness Revealed

Loneliness apart from countless charms -
0nly sadness stays. Once each other's arms
NEw joys announced each day. Naught comforts heart
Lonely left bereft, dreams far apart.

Behind Sphinx Smile

Silent synapses thread fa[r]ce fate,
'to end the heart-ache and the natural shocks
that flesh is heir to'' leaves life's stumbling block's
causal button pressed to eliminate


Was Auden right to write Art was not wrong -
on canvas or through written word, to state
all little matters outside isolate
fate which squeezes, seizes in its tong

Scene From The Future's Web

Gorilla, man, have played their innings out,
Freeway turned to grass without a doubt
Spider, which waited long, will reign supreme.
Sirens silent, mankind just dust done dream

Sores And Defects After Charles Bukowski Cause And Effect

Going through emotions' motions
the worst seldom die by the hands of others
often get off lightly,
rile those left behind

Count A Wait Counterweight After Charles Bukowski 8 Count

on my screen
I observe
n contests
on an internet

'Forever' seems an attitude
repeatedly inflated,
fantastical as fervent mood
through which it is created.

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