Jordy St. Patriot

Jordy St. Patriot Poems

90 degrees Fahrenheit on a spring day
All the boys on the street would play
And all the girls would scream and cry
For a one dollar burger and fry

The Best Poem Of Jordy St. Patriot

Custard Milkshake

90 degrees Fahrenheit on a spring day
All the boys on the street would play
And all the girls would scream and cry
For a one dollar burger and fry

A great idea had sprung
From a boy watching the Fu Panda of Kung
'Friends let's go get a milkshake from Ginny's! '
And maybe get in a drunken fight at Kenny's!

The idea had come to fruition
Ginny's it was for food and nutrition
After food, drink was to come
The boys and girls were poisoned by rum

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