Jose Remillan

Jose Remillan Poems

Your eyes are stuck on the
Afterglow invading the
Horizon. You wipe your
Tears with a rugged piece

The sun's ray creeps on the
Face of an old young beggar
As he worships the doorsteps
Of a young old billionaire. He is

Shatter the myth of life,
Laugh insanely for there
Is no soul except what
You have placed deep

There you are, still. Untouched
By the wind, waiting for somebody
To save you from oblivion. Your
Solitude in time and space

Jose Remillan Biography

Teaches Philosophy, Politics, and Economics)

The Best Poem Of Jose Remillan

Obama Nation

Your eyes are stuck on the
Afterglow invading the
Horizon. You wipe your
Tears with a rugged piece

Of cloth dotted with stars
And stripes, in remembrance
Of a nation's power, and
Prowess of sons and daughters

Flirting with anarchy and democracy.
Until then the world stood still, devouring
Your flesh and fantasies of happiness
And freedom. Now, let these words

Rebuke your vices and folly:
You are all too human to be holy.

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