joses tirtabudi Poems

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Life use to be simple. Emotions clear.

Friends were friends, nothing to fear.

Almost Right

Almost right, always wrong.

Almost there, forever gone.

The Lies In Your Head

You once where a flower, tender and bright.
Once a tender sight, before came the night.

You once were a living breathing being,


Hey, it's me. Got a kevlar vest ornating my chest,
Walking a battlefield, with scars only partly healed.
Bullets and rockets explode, as the dead's bones corrode.
But I got a kevlar vest ornating my chest.

Golden Eagle

In the bottom of an old greasy swamp, lies a golden eagle, it's shine now covered in grime.
It lies here, forgotten witness of the brave few who dare to venture where none ever do.
This golden eagle, doth many scars bear, tis many grooves where swords did tear.
Came they from a terrible fight, on a cold blustery day, where the hope of an army was blown away.

I'Ll Be A Wall

Watching you stand next to me, your little hands clutch my fingers as you say,
Piggy back, give me a piggy back. Really, I just can't resist a request said like that.

Pick you up, place you on my shoulders, carry you through the bush, over boulders.

Dream On

Dream on baby, dream on
They might never seem to come true,
But dream on, baby, dream on.
Cause you never know when one will find you.

Step Up

Step up, take the fall.
Answer the call.
Tell me, what am I fighting for?


Hey you, stuck dreaming of your perfect world,
But when they come, letting chances dropp cold.
Hey you, wishing for a perfect ending,
But when it comes, you're never daring.

Silent Screaming

Will you just leave me alone? Screaming in the silent,
This motionless stalemate is cutting me like a knife.

Reaching for what is no longer there-
Trying to appear I care when I don't care.

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