Josh Alfred

Josh Alfred Poems

Out goes smoke
In comes air
Left alone
No one there.

How much do I love you?
In everything I enjoy you! /
You are my center/
The core of my passion/

Under the stars
Are little minds
Under the stars
Are thoughts of all kinds.


Here comes the lugubrious one,
Earth's misery, grounds thirst.
Gray clouds morphing into torrential rains
Rain pouring/wisps in the wind.

Take this hand, upon thy hand
And find thee love, for which we stand
That I may know that which is true
If I only said I knew;

I struggle everyday with my pen in hand,
I take a little break, but I'm still writing
Everywhere I go, the more I understand.

Set against shadowed skies
Silver stars shined and shimmered.
I savored them silently standing as in shackles
And surely their shine was seen in slight salience.

Sight far-reaching
My mind is teaching
Me a lesson in being.
Wisdom streaching

She grows all purple, white, and red/
Lilies, pansies, roses, from her head/
She tinkers with the hues of eyes/
And casts her spells on twilight skies/

She's like a soft faint light,
With a weak low shine,
Frail, pale white hands
Thoughts tarry, linger,

I am not the same
With you around
How the Earth
Doth spin a‘round?

My mind hovers over the past
Like a vulture gliding slowly
I hang-out with my memories
I abide some time with nostalgia

Rivers have gone dry/
Death circles in the sky/
Forests are fading, gone/
Skeleton remains under hot sun/

My brain
Looking at your brain
Seeing together
Our eyes.



In my eyes

If I were to wonder right
Would I have much insight?
If I were to gather stars
Upon my pupil, in membrane bars

What flickered in
My mother's mind
Given to mine,
Was of a God, loving, kind,

I sink deeper
Diving, thriving within
Minding myself,
Reminding myself

They say, "all has a reason,
Where cause and effect apply,
To someone that's done something, "
But I say "to blame is the flutter

Josh Alfred Biography

Born in 1989 in Connecticut, (U.S.) Joshua Alfred Washburn is a writer, poet, musician. He started writing poems in 2007. Currently mentally disabled, intellectually challenged at times, and intellectually astute at others. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2011. His poems relate the real and the unreal of his life and his thoughts. Josh loves writing sci-fiction, philosophy, and especially enjoys rhythm and rhyme. He currently lives in NC with the support of caring health-care team and a loving family.)

The Best Poem Of Josh Alfred


Out goes smoke
In comes air
Left alone
No one there.
Going some place
But, not sure where
Eyes are open
I am just aware.
Not sure what
I will have to forebear
Till I release my soul
Without a care;
And just let go
Nothing left, to be here.

Josh Alfred Comments

Josh Alfred Quotes

The power to know what you do not know is in the ability to form the question.

Philosophy has an auxiliary function to science.

Logic provides nature with order, order in nature provides logic.

To grasp at beauty, analyze it in its terms.

The greatest gift is one given to the greatest in need.

The best choice offers the most fulfillment of need.

That which fulfills needs is right. That which harms others is wrong.

When the intent of the best choice meets its outcome survival is certain.

Both in analysis and synthesis form a unit.

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