Joy O' Pateng

Joy O' Pateng Poems

I'm sorry for not loving you
I'm sorry for not being there for you
I'm sorry for making you cry
I'm sorry for breaking your precious heart

I am a girl
I am an African American girl
I am a broken hearted girl
I am a stud

Baby please have
A change of heart
Allow me to re-enter
Your your

I am joy...

With joy, you were born
With joy, you were a baby

Above the clouds there is a star
A star that looks down on me
A star that I makes my wishes shine
A star that brightens my path


I'm all alone.....

Alone, I sat
Alone, I cried

She is a girl
She's a girl that cheers me up
A girl that I can count on
A girl I can run to when I need a hug

Roses smells like a flower
My baby Rose smells like love
Love that smells like roses
Roses are red but Rose

Oh God as your child I
Become before you humble
Ask for your forgiveness
I've done handled some

Walking in the middle of the night
Because, I didn't know My right
Nor left... As I wandered through
The darkest streets Of Pain

Gorgeous girl, who is it to blame
Anonymous girl, who knows her name
Saddened girl, who makes her cry
Blind girl, who can't love anymore

I hate you as much as
I hate my problems
Therefore, you are my problems
I opened my door

Full of enjoy when you came
Tearful eyes when you left
Heartaches when you say bye
Headaches when you said I hate you

I bet you wish I was dead
You wanted to see me fail
You thought I would stop
Striving after my success

I am your flesh
You are my rib
I'm your twin
You're my shadow

It came to a time
When I thought
You were meant
For me and me

Cried out of joy
When I love you
Came out of your
Mouth...I cried out

I'm in love with you
And not your beauty
I'm in love with who
You are as a person

If no other living will
Take you as you
Are...Then I will
If nobody will

Joy O' Pateng Biography

I love to write. When I speak people misunderstand me. But when I write they understand me...Written was another way for me to escape my stress and other way to express and gether all my thoughts and put it into words...I've been writing since 16....and I haven't stopped yet....I better myself, by writing what pops in my head during my thoughts....)

The Best Poem Of Joy O' Pateng

Baby I'M Sorry...

I'm sorry for not loving you
I'm sorry for not being there for you
I'm sorry for making you cry
I'm sorry for breaking your precious heart
I'm sorry for not believing in you
I'm sorry for never giving you my ears
I'm sorry for not holding you when needed to be held
I'm sorry for sharing my nakedness with another
I'm sorry for not expressing myself to you
I'm sorry for denying you
I'm sorry for lying to you
I'm sorry for breaking my vows
I'm sorry for not fight with you
I'm sorry for me being sorry
I'm sorry for my mistakes.....
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, babe I'm sorry.......

Joy O' Pateng Comments

Eka Frima Ulia 28 May 2014

great work Joy.. i likes all ur poems.... i'll read at all: D

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