Juan Olivarez Poems

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Does It Really Matter How Much You Love?

Does it really matter how much you love,
If it is not returned?
Or how hard your heart may beat for her,
If she your love has spurned?

I Love To Gaze At Sunsets

I love to gaze at sunsets,
At the fading of each day.
As the clouds on the horizon,
For the evening pave the way.

Lantana Smile

Lantana smile, out in the wild,
How does your garden grow?
In purple, yellow, orange, and pink,
Pretty maids all in a row.


Many things are beautiful and awe inspiring
Not man made things but God's
Summer brings out the miracles of heaven.

I Think I Can See

A bird in the tree,
Behind the branches bare.
Oh it must be,

Off The Canvas

Off the canvas once more he came,
With savage fury one more time.
But mores the pity and the shame,
I was enjoying Spring sublime.

As Washington Conversed...

As Washington conversed with Sitting Bull,
My eyes strayed towards the west.
The wind blew fragrant, ever so cool,
And our dear Edgar, received a guest

Let Glorious Sunlight Fill The Day

Let glorious sunlight fill the day,
Let the ancient God appear.
To command all sadness away,
To banish night and fear.

I Long For The South Wind

I long for the south wind, blowing fair.
off of the Gulf, gently through my hair.

I long for the scented breezes of Spring,

What A Waste Of Good Tequila

What a waste of good Tequila,
Throwing up on potted plants.
Alacasias and bouganvillas,
And on Maui's Levi pants.

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