junior marcano Poems

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Remember That

Things We Miss

Dyeing Inside

I have fall in the deeps of hell and can't get back up what to do way to go darkness all are round me no love no hope I'm dyeing I'm dyeing so alone no hope left no life left I'm dyeing am dyeing you have taken all the love that I have and then turn cold on me so here I am dyeing am dyeing soon


How Can I

How can I sleep when you are all I think about how can I work when I only want to be with you how can I say that I will always be here for you how can I tell you that I love you.
How long must I wait to be with you how long it take I will wait on you how long must I keep these feeling inside how to tell you that you are my smile how can I tell you before I die inside how can I tell you that you are my life

Sleepless Nights

As the night comes and i in my bed I can't sleep as I would what could off, or what had happen for me to reach this place that I am in, I think hard I think long but no answer come to mind am I happy or I am sad I don't know what to do.

Thinking Of You


You Are Everything To Me

I long for love to be with one to hold thy one close to one self I feel like that one single rose surrounded by torn waiting on that one person to pick me up and keep me safe from that torn the thing is I am waiting on you and the thing is that I think I will always wait on you.


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