J D Poems

She walks down the stairs
dressed in all black,
to the thought of a memory
she hopes to bring back.

Your words from the soul taken from mind to pen,
impacting people on what they read.
Feelings of life and tribute of the dead,
writing the words that are never said.

You bring me up then let me fall,
and just like that its over.
All the pain and all the sorrow slowly returns.
I wish it could stay this way,

77' Maverick,
supercharged 351.
A trigger haired carb,
with a back fire like a gun.

Three simple words were lost in the end,
thrown around between the two
yet no feeling or emotion present.
It's not as it may appear,

A note played flat as night fell down,
the salt layed circle upon the ground.
Scratches marked accross the doors,
Screeching sounds along the floor.

Everyone leaves in the end,
lying there watching you walk away
knowing that forever your gone,
as you slowly fade to the shadows.

'It' doesn't seem to want to leave,
quietly trailing, lurking behind.
Always there to stab you in the back,
putting you down when you begin to rise.

The sun wouldn't rise nor fall,
but sit on the oceans surface
glimmering off the crisp sand,
And through the golden clouds

I made you a box and wrapped it in red,
'From a lost love, ' is what the card said.

I filled it with thoughts and the feelings of us,

Faced with a path diverged into four,
to turn back was a option, but not as once before.
The sky crept upon the moon turning it to night,
as the air slightly strickened with the feeling of fright.

Ridiculed and full of hate,
marching on through broken gates,
tarnished souls in darkened nights
marching on to faded lights.

I don't know the ending of the story,
nor do i know what happened once upon a time.
I don't know how we made it this far,
and how we'll get to the end.

The outside storm approaches as the clock strikes ten
bringing forgotten life to the darkened house.
It echo's through the hall and in to that room,
that while i know it's there I can't yet enter.

I remember the day that you left and said it was over.
The never ending silence,
the feeling of being powerless watching you walk away.
It hurt to go on, to be without you.

Im tired.
Tired of all the lies and pain for nothing.
I don't understand why it has to go on like it has,
suffering for nothing, aggony for anguish.

He sat at the ocean chalk in hand,
blank canvas upon the bench.
Dark winds clashed the sky as rain began to fall.
Seated he remained.

I regret nothing but one thing in my life,
that I never told you how I really feel.
Never told you your the most beautiful girl,
that a man could ever lay his eyes on.


A name yet to do a angel justice
stricken by pashionate desire,
wanting what can never be his.
A beat of the heart,

Through shattered tears and darkened hearts,
you press forwards into the tarnished night.
Suffering nor agony slows you down,
never stopping for second thoughts.

The Best Poem Of J D

The Woman In Black

She walks down the stairs
dressed in all black,
to the thought of a memory
she hopes to bring back.

The band starts to play
and the floor starts to dance,
the song sounds familiar
as they slip into a trance.

The lights begin to dim
as the candle fire lights,
every one waits
for the slowly approaching night.

As the pace slightly quickens
the fear starts to rise,
their voices somewhat tremble
to the awaited demise.

She approaches the host
with her face covered by veil,
as he slowly turns around
his face turns ghostly pail.

She spoke of one word
then the house became his tomb,
he fell to his death
along with the entire room.

J D Comments

Evaughn Gray 11 October 2007

Justin, your a very good poet tht i bet many admire and enjoy..keep up the good work! ~hazel

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