Justin Reamer Poems

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Psalm 23 (Geneva)

The Lord is my fhepherd,
I fhal not want.
He maketh me to reft in green pafture,
and leadeth me by the ftil waters.

Working The Diner

Working the diner is hard work,
When I go around and clean,
For I sweep the kitchen,
And mop the floors,

Siblings In Christ

My dear sister,
I remember what you
Told me last night,
And you may think that I don't believe you,

Sonnet 11

I guess I am meaningless to you,
Especially in your beautiful eyes,
For I may seem untrue,
As every flower in nature dies,

Sonnet 12

Celibacy is something I can live with,
Especially as I move on in life,
And 'tis something I can chance with,
For I say away with strife,

Waters Upon The Rock

Waters rush against the shore,
Making me swoon with happiness,
Thinking of your great mirth,
And how great you are,

Waking And Sleeping

Whether we know it or not,
We are always asleep,
Unaware of the true potential we have,
For we are sucked into a mode of normalcy,

Hearing The Truth

The truth can be harsh,
I know,
But you must understand why I tell you,
Because she does not care about you,


What wonders are there in the world,
For we know not what they mean,
But can only guess as to their true meaning,
For I know what they are,

Psalm 9

I will give thanks to You, Lord, wit hall my heart;
I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds.
I will be glad and rejoice in You.
I will sing the praises of Your Name, O Most High.

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