Justin Swan

Justin Swan Poems

Poetry is like an art
Perfect for the ears to hear,
Warmth from words that make you grin
Sometimes ear to ear

The Best Poem Of Justin Swan


Poetry is like an art
Perfect for the ears to hear,
Warmth from words that make you grin
Sometimes ear to ear

When I see her face
Much like an art
I get that same warm feeling,
And when I hear that soft, kind voice
I catch my self a grinning

You see most people do not see
How poetry is real
And when I say real I don't mean just existing
I say it has a form

How can plain words create a form?
Many have to ask,
But it is not the words I see
No, there is much more

Poetry is beautiful
Even when its sad
Staying up late at night
Writing, though I'm bad

Poetry and she, seem to have a lot in common
Both wonderful in my eyes
And in many others

What makes I worthy
To even speak of them
For if she knew what I think
Surely she would sigh

Although I know she is my love
The feeling fades away
But even though in my time
I know she will see one day

The comparison there is
Not much like any other
Is poetry and this girl I see
Go one and one together

They both are very beautiful
That's exactly what I see
For even when put together roughly
Show for quite a scene

When I speak of them I will begin to stutter
The cause of that is simple

Love is overwhelming

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