Overwhelming Poem by Justin Swan


Rating: 5.0

Poetry is like an art
Perfect for the ears to hear,
Warmth from words that make you grin
Sometimes ear to ear

When I see her face
Much like an art
I get that same warm feeling,
And when I hear that soft, kind voice
I catch my self a grinning

You see most people do not see
How poetry is real
And when I say real I don't mean just existing
I say it has a form

How can plain words create a form?
Many have to ask,
But it is not the words I see
No, there is much more

Poetry is beautiful
Even when its sad
Staying up late at night
Writing, though I'm bad

Poetry and she, seem to have a lot in common
Both wonderful in my eyes
And in many others

What makes I worthy
To even speak of them
For if she knew what I think
Surely she would sigh

Although I know she is my love
The feeling fades away
But even though in my time
I know she will see one day

The comparison there is
Not much like any other
Is poetry and this girl I see
Go one and one together

They both are very beautiful
That's exactly what I see
For even when put together roughly
Show for quite a scene

When I speak of them I will begin to stutter
The cause of that is simple

Love is overwhelming

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Justin Swan

Justin Swan

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