Justina Nicole Haner Poems

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Taylor Silvis

He's the tall, skinny brunette who doesn't say a word
In this school he's merely but a ghost walker as well as I
Everyday we see each other never once saying anything

What I Love About You…..

The way your dirty blonde hair hangs in your face
The way you flip it out of your eyes and smile
The way it makes you look skater and blonde emo

Our Friendship

Our friendship means a lot to me and it's special
You've helped me through some pretty rough things and now it's my turn
I'll always be there when you need to talk and when you need to vent

Gothic Angel

Beautiful raven black hair with red streaks
Compliments her pale white heart shaped face
Encases the jeweled blue eyes

Chance (My Bi Buddy)

He's the sweetest guy ever, the one you can count on
You can tell that he's the kind of guy that is funny
I'm happy he and I can be friends

My Sexxi Angel

I've always wanted to tell you how I felt about you
This is impossible seeing as I can't think when I'm near you
Your love surrounds me, almost choking me

The Proposal

We went for a moonlit walk at midnight in the snow
He held me around the waist while we stargazed
Then he let go of me and got down on one knee

True Love

She walks outside in the misty, sunny morning
On the table on her porch lays a single red rose
She takes it off the table and smells its fragrant perfume

Their First Time

His pleasure in me; filling me up
Heating me both inside and out
Sealing the deal our bodies have already started

Right Here With Me

I can feel you right here with me
I feel your strong arms around me, consoling me
I feel your breath on my neck, warm and moist
I feel you put your pointer finger on my lips

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