Kaiser Sheikh

Kaiser Sheikh Poems

Warmth of my lounge
with the wood-burning fire,
crackling flames devouring kindle
to their hearts' desire.

The Best Poem Of Kaiser Sheikh

Snowflakes In February

Warmth of my lounge
with the wood-burning fire,
crackling flames devouring kindle
to their hearts' desire.
Flowing from the kitchen
sweet waft of scones and cakes
but I'd rather step out
to the delight of snowflakes.
Flakes in the chilly air
just as I remember.
Seemingly February,
sensationally like December.
Flakes dancing in the air
like a prima ballerina,
there's magic everywhere
boasting beauty and stamina.
Falling and landing
onto a hazel twig,
falling on a postman's coat
and on a passer-by's wig.
Swirling and spinning
as they gracefully descend,
but sight is ephemeral
as all comes to an end.

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