kalke anawkam

kalke anawkam Poems

Who & what is she?

Shrouded in her, Kosmik mystery,
Reaching out, like a blossoming tree…

Whoever, you are,
whatever, you do,
Listen to me,
& you will pull through,

Celebration of a nation,
That promotes integration,
And NOT segregation,
Will create CELEBRATION,

Who is the Earth, now who is she?
We live off her and drink her tea…
Pollute the sea, and poison our fish,
Which later one day, could be in your dish,

ARYAN Warrior..
Preserver of TRUTH,
Holder of Wisdom…

4 by 4
Open that door,
Make sure you don’t fall on that floor,

When I needed a friend,
No one was there,
To care for wear & tear,
Except for Baloo, the big friendly bear,

In the world, where I was born,
Many hearts have been torn,
But with your friends, you may get by,
And you may, even fly,

May this spell,
The obstacles,
& hurdles,

It’s hard at the feet of the Beast,
Who benefits from the WAR feast?
Cos the weak & the meek get the least…
Whilst the corrupt & elite get the treats…..

Lonely dragon,
you’ve nothing to fear,

Strengthen your soul,

With synchronised minds,
Like folding blinds,
We can transform the world,
Into a rotating pearl,

Authors of confusion,
Cause perennial intrusion,

Creating an illusion,

I thank you Lord, everyday,
For showing me, the enlightened way,

Through the times, of dismay,

Thou shall not kill,
Thou shall not spill,
The blood of Gods' children,
Or of your own brethren

What’s going on?
Why’s it all so WRONG?

People suffering in poverty,

A friend in NEED,
Whose thoughts are PURE, & NOT of GREED,
Is a friend INDEED…..
Who deserves to have, their minds FREED…..

Go out & heal,
With the mysteries you reveal,
& unlock the seal,
That makes TRUTH so real,

Give me five minutes, of your time,
And I will reveal,
a mysterious rhyme,

There was a time,
I didn’t own a dime,
& couldn’t rhyme, to a chime,
Blackened lungs, with a soul to match,

kalke anawkam Biography

i am a new aged poet who is currently working on several projects that aid International development that intends to make poverty history abroad, Urban regeneration to make poverty history on a national & international platform, and others that deal with community cohesion..... i am looking for like minded people to work on creating a book of poems and thoughts.......... is there anyone out there? any offers? currently working on a book called the Third Side of a Coin...... it starts of with two questions that introduce the book with twists & turns..... How does the 3rd Side of a Coin give you the answer to ALL of LIFEs' problems? & What does it represent? can anyone answer them so i can get a bit of feedback on how people react to such questions? TRUST me the 3rd Side of a Koin DOES exist, so use a coin to help you find the answers, and even though there are no right or wrong answers.... the answers laid out by the GATEKEEPER, when found will leave you looking at a koin in the same way again..... if you would like to read the poetry in their original format then please contact me on the below e-mail cos they look loads better in their original format..... they are done in word and i can send you them all in their true form...which i have been told are much more fun to read cos of the pictures and the combined artwork.... please do not hesitate in contacting me..... Kal-ke@hotmail.co.uk or goto http: //www.geocities.com/chrishna21/)

The Best Poem Of kalke anawkam



Who & what is she?

Shrouded in her, Kosmik mystery,
Reaching out, like a blossoming tree…
Opening your mind, and setting it free….

Lining your tongue, with golden honey….
As you begin to talk, mellifluously,

Oceans of WISDOM,
That unlocks your Kingdom,

Galaxies of pearls,
Source of swirls,
Curls & twirls….

Each syllable a priceless, precious, valuable token,
As each one is TRULY spoken,

Only then, will you have truly awoken……
Leaving you a mind unbroken…

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