Karabo Ramasodi

Karabo Ramasodi Poems

This is human
Dominating, conquer what you can and all else threaten with violence. Survival of the fittest forget the harmony, but heaven I shall access undoubtedly.

This is man

Take a look at that smile, it sure is picture perfect
With the posture to boot, it boasts immense confidence
Oozing with joy, a daily celebration, an observer in awe, may not hide their admiration
Well spoken,

A poets first words whether; a cry of anguish, or a scream of anger, the gentle pulse of a love stricken heart, or eerie silence of a heart left in tatters; remain an angels last thought, Godly or Evils seductive whispers

This is the reality of an unexplained mystery, the battle every man face nd trials putting every lady to test.

The fusion of 2 persons,
The sound of 2 hearts in unison,

Karabo Ramasodi Biography

A young teen hopin to perfect his poetry skills.. started doing graffiti at 11 as a way of expressing myself visually and progressed to writing poetry from the age of 13 although i concentrated more on my graffiti.. im the second last born of 5, with 2 older sister, an older brother and younger brother.1of my sisters being a drama student introduced me to poetry and iv loved it since.. i guess thats all..)

The Best Poem Of Karabo Ramasodi

This Was

This is human
Dominating, conquer what you can and all else threaten with violence. Survival of the fittest forget the harmony, but heaven I shall access undoubtedly.

This is man
Alfa male, human weapon with 2 sets of guns, bicep to tricep, physical intimidation.
Adam had Eve but Johnny wants Megan, Susan and Judy, fidelity his worst enemy, and lies are the best form of honesty

This is woman
Loving, miracles unto themselves, creations and creators. Misuderstood, underestimated and often underrated.
Masters of deceit, gentle in appearance, play the wrong card and meet your consequence. Capable of all a man can, in perfection.

This is life
Blind, unknown and mysterious, its that mistress, abusive to some, loving to others, both woman and man, regardless of whether your a fan.
Trust met with betrayal, love met with resentment, do all you like, what you get in return is no promise..

This is me
You'll never know, what's fact from fiction, sure I may be honest or is that a mere assumption.
Your eyes are wide shut for all the hints left unnoticed, all that remains is 1 question..
Do you really know me?
Or is it your imagination?

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