Kaspa Richards Poems

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Hits The Mark

Off to a forest to a spot where I know shroomies grow
With two spliffs in my pocket so you know im walking slow
Don’t do that do good s**t and try catch me up though
Coz my mood will explode feeling like a different person

I Am….

I am the blind man searching for his sight
I am the bully looking for a fight
Im also the star who shines so bright
And the gorilla who smacks his chest to show his might

The Stella Man

Beware of the Stella man,
He’ll drown the sorrows of his life
Then head home to beat the dome of his wife,
Be cautious of the Stella man,

Eternal Brotherhood

Brotherhood, three brothers who share a bond
Gone through everything together
The tears the laughter and all the right and wrongs
Even when we lost our most innocent member

World Of Sleepy Slumber

Its 2am and my mind begins to wonder
As everyone seeps into sleeps slumber
But to sleep im just yet another number
Seems the sandman has decided to encumber

Fake Mentality

Ghetto isn’t an image, ghetto is a mentality,
Living up to an image that isn’t you,
Is what will cause your fatality,
I look at your weak anatomy and into your eyes

Spores Law After Magic War

I remember the day clouds over Amsterdam loomed
In a grotty dirty hostel that had never seen a broom
On my bed I ate a three person punnet of magic shrooms
Overdosed, quickly saw the wall vanish from the room

My Days On Drugs

Remember my shrooms days getting lost in a haze,
Of colours so bright they quickly got me dazed,
Saw pink and green stars above me reality was erased,
Swimming in a red ocean that the chef Psilocybin made,


Feeling depressed from a life that’s a mess
My spice for life has vanished in one exhausted breath
No closeness with anyone has left me hopeless
Everyday im being tested,

If Im...

If im loud,
Its coz im trying to drown the sorrow sound of raging thoughts in my brain,
If im proud,
Its coz I came from nothing but pain and emerged a man unscathed and un-maimed,

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