Kathleen Dwyer Duyck

Kathleen Dwyer Duyck Poems

Family Reunion Prayer For the joy of our celebration,
we thank you Lord.
For sunsets, sunrises, and songs,
we thank you Lord.

For the joy of this celebration,
we thank You, Lord.
For the generous hospitality,
we thank You, Lord.

Eyes danced.
Both smiles flashed.
Dimples cracked.
No spirit lacked. Champagne flowed.

The Best Poem Of Kathleen Dwyer Duyck

1998 Chart House

Family Reunion Prayer For the joy of our celebration,
we thank you Lord.
For sunsets, sunrises, and songs,
we thank you Lord.
For the chance to renew our family ties and to make new ones,
we thank you Lord.
For this nourishing meal with the accompaniment of chatters, smiles, and laughter,
we thank you Lord.
For the beautiful Portland views with identifying shapes and hues,
we thank you Lord.
For the couples newly wed and those longer wed,
we thank you Lord.
For the young people, bright, open, and earnest,
we thank you Lord.
For allowing some of us to "multiply like vines" yet respect the searching, rooting, young twines,
we thank you Lord.
Please help us to remember that like a bubble, love lasts longer when it touches gentleness and tenderness.
Help all of us have a safe summer and do give us the Grace to play in tune with one another, the music of our lives. Amen

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