Kathryn Miller

Kathryn Miller Poems

I contemplate this thought,
A thought of giving up,
A thought of suicide,

6th grade rushes on,
The work grows harder,

I cant find my way,
I cant block out the voices,
Cant stop fallowing the light guiding me,
Cant stop thinking of you,

Our friendship is like a book,
But we are the ones who write it,
We fill the pages with wonderful fun,

I sit here looking out my window,
And there atop a tree,
Happens to be a mockingbird nest,
As I peer over my shoulder,

Just like a river,
Life goes on and on,
Sometimes it gets shallow,
And sometimes it gets deep,

She taught me how to cook,
She taught me how to sew,
I have always thought of my grandmother as…
A rather strong woman,

I have witnessed something that I have kept a secret,
It cost a lot to me and to them,
I didn't go to anyone for help,
I denied everything,

You are a wonderful person,
And I hope you know that,
Because you deserve to,

The way the river runs never changes,
It has a certain flow,
And once that flow is broken it isn't ever quite the same,
It has a path that never changes,

Guided by the stars I walk along this narrow path,
That brings me to my destination,
Of a lonely place that no one understands,
A place consisting of nothing,

Since you left me it hasn't been the same,
I'm not interested anymore in playing the love game,

I’m here in a place,
Where playing in the sand is the thing to do,
But instead I want to be with you,

I feel the darkness floating in,
I feel as if I must die,
The pain I just can’t bare,
The thoughts of living,

His eyes twinkle in the moon light,
The blue in them is so deep,
That they pull me in,
After him,

Since my house burnt down in August of 2005,
It hasn't been the same for me,

What hurts the most is the way you looked at me,
The way it felt like you didn’t care,
The way it looked as if there was no hope left,

You said things to make me happy,
You said things to cheer me up,
But all those were forgotten words when you hit me,

He sits there and watches me,
Tear stained cheeks pressed against the window,
Swollen eyes fallowing my trail,
I flash a smile in his direction and only then,

This fire is lit by hate,
When you talk it burns higher,
And hotter,
When your around it won't leave,

Kathryn Miller Biography

Hi, lets see what do you want to know about me? I have one brother. Um, I have no books published but I am working on one. It is called 'Anna Parks'. I am not in a relationship. I have no kids. I LOVE to read! I love to do Sodokus, crosswords, and of course write poetry. I write all of my poems from either experiance or seeing it happen to my brother or someone else. I write some poems to honor people and what they have done. My house burned down in the summer of 2005. And things are just now getting back to normal. I love my family and wish I could spend more time with them. Even though my brother doesn't approve of my poetry I think he is my biggest role model right now)

The Best Poem Of Kathryn Miller


I contemplate this thought,
A thought of giving up,
A thought of suicide,

I take a knife,
And plunge it deep,
And feel of suicide,

I swallow the pills,
And got to sleep,
And dream of suicide,

I take a gun,
And pull the trigger,
And commit suicide.

Kathryn Miller Comments

Howard Johnson 16 November 2006

Evreyone should take a little time and read Kathryn Miller.She is a young tallented writer. She has many writes, , about life's experences.

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Melvina Germain 05 August 2006

I like this poem, however many prefer to live alone and be alone in terms of intimacy. Such people have other loves they share on a daily basis. The love of children, the love of friendships, the love of nature, the love of being alive. You are absolutely right though, and I would put it this way 'Life without love, would be a tragedy'. Thanks for writing that poem Kathryn, you certainly made me sit back and think. Keep up the good work. Melvina

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