Kavitha Krishnamurthy Poems

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A Peaceful Sleep

I closed the two tiny lids
Unloaded all my burdens
Traveled into a different world
Of charisma and serenity

The Past And The Present

I was once a flourishing tree
With so many leaves, my friends
Life was full of stimulation
It was the most beautiful chapter of my life

Memoirs Of A Twig

I was a small twig
Part of a tree so big
Protected by the leaves
I was safe and secure

Walking Through The Garden Of Life

Walking through the garden of life
We do experience many ups and downs

Sometimes we see beautiful flowers

Learn To Be

Learn to be the sky - be supportive
Learn to be the clouds - be protective
Learn to be the stars - be united
Learn to be the sun - share your warmth


Friends are there for you whenever you recon
In the moments of despair they are a beacon

They are your key when your life is locked

Life-A Puzzle

Life is a puzzle
With mysteries few
Where each of the piece
Leads to the next clue

Oh Mysterious Cloud

Oh mysterious cloud why do you hide?
Sometimes you appear and sometimes subside
Are you trying to escape from your foe?
Taking different forms so that no one would recognize you

Bestow Your Shower

Oh lord bestow your shower
Most intense, depicting your power
Creating no impairment
Granting only good

A Unique Experience

A little boy sat near the blue lake, the place was so serene
The lake perfectly matched the lovely blue sky
The boy was happy; he had caught a star fish and some fishes
Suddenly the sky became gloomy, was it a curse

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