Kelly La Vita

Kelly La Vita Poems

They say that friends are like seasons, they come and go.
But the one's I have, they always put on a good show.

They stucked by me through all the dramas I had.

Sad, disappointed, alone and angry. This is how I've been feeling lately,
Just a flood of emotions that have come over me so greatly.
Why can't I just tell somebody when I am really pissed,
But I seem to alway just stare at my contact list.

L is for all the lonely days I have without you. As each second, minute, hour, day, week, month pass by my heart just turns blue.

O is for how over and over again you break my heart. It's like I'm a board and your words and actions struck me like a dart.

Why is my mind on such a wild roller coaster ride,
I'm doubting him every time his not by my side.
We get to see each other now and again,
But wait, what if she is more than just a friend.

Day in and day out, just another day filled with fights
Which leaves us both, tossing and turning with sleepless nights
What or who is the reasoning this time.?
Can't we go without arguing, is that such a crime.?

Love has made me stupid,
And all I have to blame is that damn cupid.
He came down and done his thing,
Which turned this into a fling.

The Best Poem Of Kelly La Vita

My Inspirations

They say that friends are like seasons, they come and go.
But the one's I have, they always put on a good show.

They stucked by me through all the dramas I had.
The tears, heartbreak even when we got mad.

We always make fun of people behind their back or to their face.
This friendship I want it to be a race.
A 56km race that I wanna crawl not run.
Because the more time I get to spend with you guys, the more fun..


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