Kelly Boutin Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pale Heart

Drops of blood
from a pale heart
'the blood is the life'
love keeps you alive

Locust Instinct

He thrashes in the shallows
trying to get free;
the tiger shark will starve
chased by his greed

Still Standing

Camera, come close
I want this to be remembered always
camera, zoom in
make sure to clean the lens off

Grape Popsicle Clouds

Grape Popsicle Clouds
melt down over fields of snow.
'Isn't it beautiful? ' we say
from thousands of miles safely away.

Redeem The Time

'See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.'

We fight for freedom, we fight for justice

The Old Man Down The Road

with the dog named, 'Bingo'
and the rooster on his shoulder
would let us com over
to give us chicken eggs.

Mainland Baby

I love to smell the snails
out by our little garden
and watch the raindrops settle
on the blackberries by the faucet.

Ghost-Town Stalkers

You can feel them riding on your heels
but when you turn around
there's never anyone there.
Ghost-town stalkers.

Forgotten Music

As the rains of time wash the streets
where people used to dance
and all of time’s memories
go washing down the drain

'Possums In A Trailerpark

We don’t own all that much,
sometimes we hang by our tail
but our mobile home is full of love
and that will never fail

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