Kenneth E. Alspaugh Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Where Is My Burning Bush

I have not seen my Goliath no coat of many colors have I received
I have no fish I see to swallow me, where is my burning bush?
I have no walls to march to around, no trumpet to blow,
or sword to raise, Is my call therefore silent?

What Gems

The finest gem the world has known
is not the pearl the sea has grown
'tis not the diamond crushed and ground
these aren't the nicest gems around

A Simple Poem God Gave Me

I was pulled from the ranks of satan's den
And I now reside in Salvation's glen
A place where pain and sorrow and fear
Are not felt so much or seen so clear.

Please Play On

Gently sliding, briskly striking each key as though caressing
a child.
My heart is that child, my feelings led by each sweeping
movement, each skillfully blended melody and note

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