kevhie kellz chiparaushe

kevhie kellz chiparaushe Poems

Great and Mighty is our Lord
He guideth me in the rightetious path
I find comfort in Him
When friends and family are away

Your words have no meaning
Because you continue to do the same
You come with your sweet talk
You call me your sweetheart

Bits & pieces of unsaid words that linger in my mind
Words that should have been uttered
But i found my lips numb to say a word
My tongue sore to shout out loud

But then again I tried to cry but found my solace in music & poetry
An abrupt moledy that kept me going
On & on the beat became an attitude
A rhythm that set me ablaze in solitude

Who cares?
Who really cares?
Do he even care for his own son?
Insults accompanied with vulgar

she seems to be ignorant
of everything i say

I have expressed

my veins are filled
with scorpion blood
which intends to boil
when i see you with a guy

What am i?
When people see me
What do they see?
Do they see a human being?

kevhie kellz chiparaushe Biography

Student aspiring to become a better and creative writer.)

The Best Poem Of kevhie kellz chiparaushe

Great And Mighty!

Great and Mighty is our Lord
He guideth me in the rightetious path
I find comfort in Him
When friends and family are away
I find the best company in his word
When I am in need of something
He provideth unto me
When all hope is gone
I find courage in Him
And He restoreth my hopes and dreams
I Love You Lord My God
Forgive me in every way I have sinned

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