Kevin Patrick Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Twilight Season

Charcoal scents, and musk-tinged air
Breathe in a perfumed peace
Patience sighs, in October skies
Find time perched in falling Leaf's

The Sentinel

You woke up in terror, bursting from earth
Escaping from hell of your inferno's cradle
A phoenix of steel, that claws through red skies
Crawling upwards with lightning momentum

Summers Song

Winding forests lanes
Sing sweet emerald symphonies
Branches intertwine
Weaving cooling Canopies

Party Dogs

Their hustling for dogmas like a needle and a spoon
Shooting up their treaties, snorting sectarian fumes
Blood pumping to the beat of diatribes and rehtoric
The Hypnotizing, trance of the despots stashed euphoric

Buds Of Teenage Love

The first buds...
Of Teenage love
Are as sweet as bliss
And the ambrosia of spring

The Silence

It's the space
between the silence
That holds
the quiet violence

Falling Love

nights are moving in as the sun is working
Part time
And Leafs are graduating onto earth's private domain
Summers in the attic and winters knocking at the door

Disposable Youth

Before you see, or start to speak
All nations demand their fresh meat
They'll graze you in coop called school
and program you as loyal tools

God Save The King (Sex Pistols Redux)

God save the king
And all his useless offspring
They can eat their pheasants
Like Bankrupting peasants

Journey's Not So Long

When I was a little Boy
The world seemed so young
And now that I'm slightly old
I still sing to that song

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