Kim Jones

Kim Jones Poems

I feel the burden of knowledge
The burden of love and dying hope
I feel the sorrow which I have clung to like a drug;
You know it's bad, but you're addicted,

I know where I have been
I know the sorrow people look at coldly and clinically
I know that no one but those who have been there understand it
It is a place

On the brink of the abyss
with a blindfold tied tight
should I step into the mist
or retreat back to the light?

The stormy sea parts it's thunderous waves
as the sun breaks through the clouds
and forces warmth into the cold depths
where nothing lives but that which survives all else.

The heart beats wildly nevermore,
The song to be sung waits nevermore,
You, my friend, stab me in the back nevermore,
It's too late to fix what you have done,

To look at his face
Is to look at the sky
It fills me with wonder
And makes me want to fly.

In the cold of the night the pond freezes over
it turns into ice of the deadliest kind,
it looks deceptively strong,
when in reality it is quite thin;

The blank page is telling,
Taddle-telling to be more precise
The quivering pen strains to come up with emotion,
My strongest emotion in that I work with

I gave my all and I've burned out
Just like a star with a reason to fall
My heart is safe and my guard is up
You try to reach me but my ocean tide sweeps you away.

Cold and broken,
From the social horror that could cause a very saint to sin,
And run away,
It's curious how life never waits,

Waking up from this dream,
This delusional care,
Stemming from regret and denial,
Of the goodbye that could never exist,

I'm sick of these clouds
That are always over my head,
I can't fight them,
For I know they are right.

If only you could see
Just how hard it is for me
to be nonchalant around you
than maybe I could move on.

I see him every day,
But does he see me?
I hear every word he says,
But does he hear any of my own?


You ignore me as I walk past,
Everything slows down,
I turn back to stare at you
while I have the chance,


The song playing loud in my head,
It's all I can hear
as I watch you walk away;
I watch my only chance walk away,

I'm hung on a noose twenty feet high
All grace is gone and now I must cry
They have been tricked, so now I will die.

I've fallen,

When hurt becomes no one,
When pain becomes hurt,
When the blood-red skies,
Call my name,

The only right,
Is the wrong,
When you wish to save your life,
The only place to find sanctuary,

The Best Poem Of Kim Jones

The Final Storm

I feel the burden of knowledge
The burden of love and dying hope
I feel the sorrow which I have clung to like a drug;
You know it's bad, but you're addicted,
And I cry
These tears are not like they were before,
No, this time it's different
It's like the first spring rain after a cold, sad winter;
It refreshes you, it cleans you
And I know that I'm letting go
I'm finally moving on,
He and the sorrow which have co-existed for so long
Can't hold me here anymore,
They can't have me,
I take one last, sad look at him and what could have been,
And what was that never should have happened,
And I let them go,
My past is now my past;
Nothing more,
I will move on and forget for once in my life,
I will breathe free air,
And for the first time,
I will live my life the way I always should have.

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