kirsten waite

kirsten waite Poems

sometimes it feels like life is just slipping through my fingers
and im ready to let it.
cause as i try to grab ahold i only pinch myself.

love is a journey, a journey you hope never ends
even if the hurricanes and tornado's come
there are still the sunniest days ahead

Were only human,
its in our nature to grieve when something good ends,
but as humans we easily learn that nothing lasts forever,
therefore we learn how to heal.

we all need time to brethe we all need time to think.
some need all the time in the world
some only need a week.

kirsten waite Biography

my name is kirsten, i live in newcatle pa. my hobbies are, music i ply 6 instuments guitar, flute, tenner sax, drums, xyliphoione, and piano i also like to dra and wrie poetry i m not a published poet.. yet i am very outgoing, honestly ask anything id probaly tell u, very random =P and yeh...)

The Best Poem Of kirsten waite

Slipping Through My Fingers

sometimes it feels like life is just slipping through my fingers
and im ready to let it.
cause as i try to grab ahold i only pinch myself.

cause the longer i hold on, the more it hurts
and i see no reaon to put myself through the pain.i could make it
through it, for you.and only you
but you dont want me to make it because you dont care, end of story?

nope.not that simple, i kno this is just the way things are.
well i hate it.i feel like letting go, to let myself free. do
i have the guts tho? ofcorse i do.
its just me agenst the world and im all alone.

ofcorse i want to hold on but im all alone, nothing but myself standing in the
road with the cold rain stinging my eyes, while the wind blows my tiny golden strands of hair into my depressed grey eyes.
such a weak attempt, so many week atemps.

and for those who did care im sorry,
sorry iv ever let u down or hurt you.

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